Which NCIS Character Are You?
zeroterm | 19. Oktober 2007 | 20:53Hab grad über Aoife’s MySpace Profil diesen kleinen Test gefunden. Da NCIS eine der beiden Stunden pro Woche und damit 50% meines TV-Konsums darstellt, musste ich ihn einfach machen.
Das Resultat ist hier:

Which NCIS Character Are You?

Congratulations! You are most like lab technician and evidence analyst Abigail „Abby“ Sciuto! You are always cheerful and effervescent. Some people would say you are a little eccentric and strange, but that’s what makes you so great! You are intelligent and sarcastic, making everyone’s day. The world needs more cheerful people like you!
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Stellt mich eigentlich zufrieden. Ich mag Abby :oops:
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Tagsabby, abigail, cheerful, eccentric, intelligent, ncis, psychotest, sarcastic, sciuto, strange

KategorienSinnlos? - Na und!
Tagsabby, abigail, cheerful, eccentric, intelligent, ncis, psychotest, sarcastic, sciuto, strange
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